Dryden: According to Dryden “An Epic is a heroic poem, truly such, is undoubtedly the greatest work which the soul of man is capable to perform.”
epic tells a generally well-known story and is centred round a heroic or
semi-divine figure on whose actions depends on fate.
action of an epic is serious
is a good deal of physical and spiritual conflicts.
characters and events are portrayed in detail and descriptions are in elevated
style and the language is also ornate.
Types of Epics:
Historically there are two types of epic – 1. the
primitive epic or the epic of growth and
the epic of art or the literary epic.
The epic of growth is not entirely the work by
a single author but it evolved from pre-existing legends, folk poems and sagas.
The epic of growth contains supernatural or religious elements. The style of
such epic is marked by directness and simplicity. Example: Homer’s “Iliad” and
Odyssey”; Valmiki’s “The Ramayana” and Vyasa’s “The Mahabharata”.
The epic of art or literary epic is the product
of individual poet. It is the scholarly research of the poet. Most traits of
the epic of growth are found in the literary epic also. Example: Virgil’s “Aenid”;
Milton’s “Paradise Lost”: Spenser’s “Faerie Queene”.
The man traits of an epic:
subject matter of an epic is heroic or mythical kind. The hero is a figure of
national or even cosmic importance.
setting of an epic is vast and comprises several worlds.
action of an epic involves superhuman deeds. The action of an epic is often
controlled by supernatural agents. Gods and goddesses mingle with the humans
and fight on both sides.
pic contains a number of thrilling episodes like battles, duels, wanderings,
ordeals and the like.
most epics there is a moral purpose. The hero represents a cause and the victory
of good over evil is ensured.
is narrated in an ornate, ceremonial and grand style. Epic similes, figures of speech,
classical allusions and references and repetitions are used.
epic is usually divided into 12 books through “Iliad and “Odyssey” have 24 books.
The Mock-Epic
The mock-epic is a narrative poem in which the
conventions of the regular epic are employed in connection with trivial things.
Thus, it becomes a parody. The finest example of a mock-epic poem in English is
Pope’s “Rape of the Lock” published in 1712. Swift’s “Battle of the Books” also
contains some traits of a mock-epic.
“Rape of the Lock” celebrates an absurdly
trivial theme – the theft of a lock of hair from a girl’s head by her lover –
in an epic manner. As in serious epic Pope invokes the Muse at the beginning. He
introduces the supernatural elements as in all serious epics. The poem is full
of fanciful concepts, expressions and images that remind the reader of a
regular epic. The poet uses irony, satire, understatements, anticlimax,
balanced sentences and similar devices to emphasise the mocking tone without
spoiling the epic structure.
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