Thursday, October 12, 2023

Part II English (Composition - Semester III)


Curriculum Vitae
Choose and Fill Ups:

  • 1.      A summary of the application at the start of the CV acts as a statement of objectives.
  • 2.      Generally, how many references are to be mentioned in a CV?    Two.
  • 3.      Which is not compulsory to mention in a job description CV?   Nationality.
  • 4.      “Curriculum Vitae” is a word form which language?   Latin.
  • 5.      Apart from your name and contact details, the most important part of your CV is Educational details.
  • 6.      A CV is longer professional document of an individual.
  • 7.      A CV contains one’s experience, certificate and personal details.
  • 8.      The best CV format is the reverse-Ch (Chronological) one.
  • 9.      Generally a CV may not contain a nationality/ ethnicity of the CV holder.
  • 10.   A student’s CV is a representation of his/her scholarly identity and  achievements in his/her field.

Short Questions and Answers:

  • 1.      What are the features that make a CV look feasible?

The headers sch as ‘Personal Profile’, ‘Experience’, ‘Achievements’, ‘Career History’, and ‘Personal Details’ and the relevant information in ach header make a CV look feasible.

  • 2.      How do you write your CV? Design it.

Curriculum Vitae



Address and other contact details





1.      Employment details 

a.      Designation

b.      Job responsibility and achievement


1.      Courses studies in reverse chronological order.

2.      Academic Achievements





3.      What are the four types of CV?

Functional, Chronological, Skill-based, and Targeted.

4.      What is the purpose of writing a CV?

CV is written to sell he/she to a prospective employer.

5.      What type of information should a CV contain?

CV should reflect that he/she possesses the right education, skills, experience, behavior, attitude and morality, professional competency and communication skill that the employer is seeking.

Memos, Notices, Agendas and Minutes

Choose and Fill Ups:

  • 1.      Which document is prepared before a meeting to list the items to be discussed or acted upon?    Agenda.
  • 2.      Which of the following would be found in the New Business section of a Minutes?   CEO Reports
  • 3.      Articles of Association is the most important document of a company.
  • 4.      What do the Notices convey?  Announcements.
  • 5.      It is mandatory for all companies to have any memorandum or articles of association.
  • 6.      The heading component of an Agenda has the name of the company/ organization, type of meeting, the date, time and venue of the meeting.
  • 7.      The last component in a business meeting minutes is call to order and adjournment.
  • 8.      A memorandum usually abbreviated as Memo.
  • 9.      All members should sign the MOU in case of private company.
  • 10.   Memos are generally circulated within the organization and companies.


Short Questions and Answers:

  • 1.      What is a Memo?

A Memo is a formal written message to people within an organization to meet a specific need.

  • 2.      What is the purpose of writing a Memo?

Memos are written to inform, explain, persuade, warn, and seek explanations for misconduct by an employee within an organization.

  • 3.      How do you appraise a notice?

If a notice contains (i) heading or subject, (ii) body, (iii) date of issue and (iv) signature or name of issuing authority with designation then the notice is a good notice.

  • 4.      How do you write an Agenda?

An Agenda is an outline of the business to be carried out during the meeting. It contains the list of events to be executed during the programme in time sequence.

  • 5.      Assess the importance of writing minutes

Minutes of meeting is important for documenting details such as what the group discussed, reports that were reviewed, the decisions taken proposed activities and future topics of the next meeting. These details allow those who were present to recall important information and prepare for future meetings.




Choose and Fill Ups:

  • 1.      How do you send a copy of an e-mail to a new recipient?   Forward.
  • 2.      Which is the main folder om E-mail?       Inbox
  • 3.      People who receive e-mails are Recipients.
  • 4.      Internet scammers do tricks to collect the personal information of people are Hackers.
  • 5.      What does SMTP stand for? Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
  • 6.      You can star an e-mail in you want to remember and also put it into a special folder for easy access.
  • 7.      The first part of the e-mail address identifies user’s name.
  • 8.      E-mail is a technology that allows you to send and receive message over the internet.
  • 9.      The E-mail ID of the secondary recipient of must be entered into CC/BCC field.
  • 10.   Unsolicited E-mails may be filtered and separated into spam.

Short Questions and Answers:

  • 1.      What does “BCC” stand for?  

Blind Carbon Copy

  • 2.      What is the purpose of emotions in E-mail communication?

They get the reader’s attention. Besides, they emphasize an important message and inject spirit into your communication.

  • 3.      What are the ‘3Ds’ in E-mail management?

Delete it, Do it, Delegate it or Defer it.

  • 4.      What does it mean when an E-mail “bounce”?

The reasons may be 1. the email address does not exist, 2. The inbox is full, 3. Server outages, 4. poor sender reputation due to spam complaints, 5. flagged content in the message content and 6. a restrictive DMARC record for your seeding domain.

  • 5.      What are the ‘5Cs’ of effective email writing?

Clear, Complete, Concise, Courteous and Correct.

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